Friday 14 September 2007

At Last I can get a pic uploaded.

I am sure that there is no mention of uploading the pic first before you do the writing. Now I know. I will sort through the pics I have and upload more, but Here is the Bunny in most of his glory.

Redneck Capital

No sooner had I posted the comment about the one eyed man being king, but the Bunny sent the following missive about visiting the self-proclaimed redneck capital of the US. Apparently no irony was intended. I am still working on uploading his pics to the site. Just as well I work in IT, or it might take a while.

Forgot the photo of the steak. 1160
Photo 1079 is of us on the bridge of stones, think I may have sent this one already
1090, obviously I have the hump about something, and have decided to turn my back on the entire fucking lot of them. Think this was a town called baster springs, probably lunch break.
In texan, the place is so fucking flat that you spend your time admiring the articulated vehicles, but you are also shitting yourself, because the damn thing travel around 80-90mph, and the cross wind is intimidating to say the least, it is a real ring puckering experience.

After Amarillo, we stopped in a town called Las Vegas, new mexico for fule, because the range on these is between 120-140 miles. It was only after we had fueled up and were about to leave that our guide told us that he would not normally stop in Las Vegas NM, unless he had a gun. Nice !!!

Look at the feet on the guy in picture 1100, he was apparently the inspiration for Mater backward driving in Cars. Freaky huh.

1178, town called Erick, and hosts in stripey dungarees, completely barking fucking mad. They are called Harvey and Annabells, and they moved to Erick in 1986 and actually call their place the Redneck capital of america.

The Espresso Hunt

Those of you who thought the Bunny was riding down Route 66 in search of the Blues might be forgiven for thinking so. His quest appears to have been for espresson. I can tell him several places in London where he might find a passable espresso. Clearly I don't mean from the Seattle based cofffee co. But he has light at the end of his quest in the land of the blind (They must be blind for the one eyed man is currently king). Apparently he has heard that in Santa Fe they do a good espresso. I don't know how many miles he has to go, but I hope he keeps his eyes open.

Thursday 13 September 2007

More news from The Bunny

Those of you reading this who are familiar with the Energiser Bunny will know that he has the attention span of a forgetful goldfish. He therefore required a bollocking when the email I received from him this morning contained no travel detail or anything remotely useful. I am pleased to say that when my famed managment trechniques had got home to him he followed up with:

Here is the daily schedule so far.
Started riding on Friday morning, stopped that night in Springfield Illinois. Bit of a hard ride, as some thunder showers, but in general quite dry.
Saturday rode to Rolla Missouri
Sunday rode to Tulsa OKlahoma. On this leg, we hit an absolute beauty of a thunderstorn, and due to rather limited vision (approximately 10metres) we pulled in for 2 hours, and actually saw a car crash in front of where we had pulled over.
Monday rode to Weatherford Oklahoma
On this leg, we pulled onto a disused section of Route 66, and had a blast. I have attached a photo of me riding on this section. Closed to traffic, so no helmet, or protective clothing.
Tuesday rode to Amarillo Texas
In amarillo there is a restaurant with a competition to eat a 72oz steak. If you eat it, your meal is free, and apparently they fly you back for some kind of semi finals etc. I have attached a photo of the steak, beside a page of A4 for comparison. Needless two ofour group tried, and one actually managed to eat 52 oz, oh, forgot to mention thatit has to be eaten in 1 hour. These people are crazy.
Wednesday Santa Fe, new mexico
Beautiful spot, and will get some shots today.
So right now at mile 1480, and on a rest day. As you can see we are really knocking in the mileage

Yesterday rode through a town called Adrian, and stopped at a restaurant called the Midpoint cafe, photo attached.

About to go for breakfast, and will get more photos and text to you later today.


Now that is much better. I have no doubt he will need further re-training along the trip. i am still trying to work out how to upload pics to the Blog.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Two days in on the Journey

Well, the Bunny sent me an email two days into his journey, having stopped the first night at Springfield and the second at Rolla. Here is the email he sent:

This is a truly amazing country.
We have finally managed to find a "restaurant" where you can eat as much steak as you like for $8.99, and believe it or not, but the food is edible.

So far, we have travelled from Chicago to Springfield Illinois approx 200 miles, and the weather was glorious. I now look like a hells angel version of rudolph.
Day two dawned cloudy, and provided us with ample opportunity to be drenched.
We drove almost 240 miles today, and thankfully the final 70 miles was actually dry.
We are now in Rolla in Misouri, and crossed the Mississippi before lunch.
We are actually quite lucky with our guide, he stops every 45 minutes for a food break, so you can imagine he is not exactly the thinnest individual, but I take the opportunities to find answers to the questions "do you have espresso" so far the most inventive answer I have had is "we can put some coffee in a cup, and add lots of sugar to make it an espresso". I am truly staggered as to how this country became the most powerful nation on earth.

Well the quest for espresso continues, perhaps I should change this blog to " the search for hits on routs 66". So far espress consumption since arrival in Chicago. 1 Espresso, and 10 paracetamol. Sad but true.
Have attached some photos from each day.

Clearly the Bunny knows there is caffeine in many paracetamol concoctions to help lift you after treating the pain. He sent some pictures as well, so I will add these. Except, try as i might I don't seem to be able to attach the pics. Sadly this will have to wait for another day.

In the meantime, while he has been gallivanting and is now in all probability in Oklahoma City, I have been attending a Management course. Not a moment too soon I hear from the assembled masses. When further word arrives, I will post it here.

Friday 7 September 2007

The Journey Begins

The Energiser Bunny and his brother set out from the UK yesterday, heading for Chicago and the start of their journey. I am assuming the trail proper does not start until tomorrow or possibly even Monday. The first leg is from Chicago to Springfield. More as news comes in.

Friday 31 August 2007

The Energiser Bunny sets out on Route 66

My pal the Energiser Bunny sets out on a motorcycle journey from Chicago to Los Angeles on Route 66 next week. Doing some 200 miles and more per day, he has promised to email or text me with a few words on each day and I am planning to Blog these here, for him to read on his return. i.e. he doesn't know yet that this is what I plan to do. I am hoping for something amusing to come out of this, but who knows what will happen?

The Bishop